Motivational Letters

Most Distinguished Participants,

My name is Nur Mürsel, an 11th grader currently studying in Nesibe Aydın IB Programme, and I am honoured to serve you, alongside my esteemed Director-General Yağmur Gözütok, our assiduous organisation and diligent academic teams, as the Secretary general of the 11th iteration of the illustrious tradition, NAMUN’24.

Nesibe Aydın Model United Nations (NAMUN for short) is a simulation of the General Assembly of the United Nations and its various sub-committees, intended to bring the various substantial world issues and their associated, and often convoluted, viewpoints to the attention of high school students in order to fully immerse the next generation into the forthcoming challenges for humanity, such as climate change, concurrently enhancing their problem-solving skills, increasing their language capabilities and advancing their familiarity with the formal debate procedures, all the while providing a social environment where long-lasting friendships are forged and free-flow of ideas are guaranteed.

Armed with more than 11 years of experience, signifying a high degree of normativeness, experienced and enthusiastic academic and organisation teams, prevalent notion for a strive towards minimal error and an unparalleled level of professionalism, NAMUN exhibits the perfect environment for the fostering of new ideas, while compiled by the attendees in the official UN resolution format, will be sent to the United Nations representing the ideas and visions of the upcoming generation in an orderly fashion.

Sincerely yours,

Nur Mürsel
Secretary General NAMUN’24
Highly esteemed participants,

My name is Yağmur Gözütok and I am honored to be the Director General of this year in NAMUN’24. First of all it is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to the 11th annual session of Nesibe Aydın Model United Nations.

With all of my sincerity I can assure you that NAMUN’24 will be a educational, instructive and mostly entertaining experience for every participant. On behalf of my hardworking Organization Team, you can be sure that you will enjoy every second of NAMUN even while you are discussing current global issues, your directives, final documents and so much more.

As the Organization Team, we work hard to make our conference more unforgettable and unique memory.

Also during the conference you will see the successful outcomes of real teamwork since our goal is to do our bests and make those 3 days marvelous for every one of you. While sleepless nights are becoming our fellow traveler to do so we are planning everything for the best. That's why we are waiting with bated breath for the day we will come together.

I can assure you all that NAMUN’24 will give a magic touch in your life and it would be a great experience to go ahead in your MUN journey, thus you should not miss this opportunity.

We believe that we will make this NAMUN one of the best MUN’s so far, that is why I am looking forward to meet each of you. See you all soon in the most amazing 3 day of your lives.

Sincerely yours,

Yağmur Gözütok
Director General NAMUN’24