Code Of Conduct

Dress Code

All participants are expected to be in formal business attire during all sessions, breaks and ceremonies. Please keep in mind that delegates who are not dressed appropriately will not be allowed in the sessions. If the rules are not followed by a participant, they will effectively be given an academic warning after the first warning thus resulting in them not being considered for an award.

Note Passing

The Administrative Staff is responsible for note-passing among delegates. Note passing without admins is not permitted. Notes should always be written in formal English, concerning matters relating to committee work. Private notes, which are not relevant, should not be sent. Please be reminded that the Administrative Staff and Committee Directors are entitled to scan your notes. Committee members should send the MP: If the notes are not found appropriate in terms of content, you will be dismissed from the conference permanently after the first warning.

Phones and Electronic Devices

All delegates are permitted to use mobile phones only during the breaks. Participants who are found to use their mobile phones will be rejected from the meetings after the first warning. Mobile phones are only permitted during unmoderated caucuses.

Opening Speechs

All delegates are required to deliver an opening speech in the first session of the conference.

Punctuality & Attendance

All delegates are required to arrive on time for each session. Constant tardiness and missing more than one session will result in revoking of your Certificate of Participation and any awards you may have been about to receive. Additionally, participation in opening and closing ceremonies along with the session are obligatory.

Position Papers

All delegates are expected to write a position paper and upload it to MUNPOINT until …2023. Any delegate who does not require this expectation will not be considered eligible for the awards of the committee.